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casualsexIt’s very easy to think that women who meet for sex look very different from other women. It’s tempting to think that there’s something wrong with these special women that are on the prowl for anonymous sex. All sorts of stereotypes come to mind. I am of course talking about the slut in high school who can’t keep her panties up. I’m also talking about the stereotypical image of the college freshman coed who can’t keep her legs closed.

All sorts of negative stereotype come to mind, but the reality is women who meet for sex with stranger look just like the women you love and trust in your life. I know that’s a shock, but the reality is that we live in a world where time and relationships are a luxury. They really are because if you want a real emotionally fulfilling deep relationship you’re going to have to invest your time. Unfortunately, time is a rare commodity nowadays.

People are very busy with school, with their careers, and with their business. There are just so many things going on. However, being biological animals, we still have drives. Just as you need to shit, piss, eat, and sleep, you also need to fuck.

Women who meet for sex understand this. They’re at peace with that aspect of their humanity. They’re not moral hypocrites. They don’t play to the crowd. They know who they are. However, they’re very discreet. This is why they look just like everybody else. They sound just like everybody else.

The big difference is that they know what they’re looking for in sex. They need high energy, raw, and mind-blowing sex that involves them climaxing at least three to five times with the same partner in a short period of time. If you’re able to step your game up to that level, then you would be able to connect with these women.

The hallmarks of women meeting to have casual sex are very simple. They’re very open-minded, they’re very confident, and they’re unafraid of going beyond convention. These are great people to hang out with. Don’t let stereotypes poison your mind against these wonderful women.

Blogged Under: Diary